
Justin conducts a range of music and specializes in new music and premiering new works. He has conducted dozens of premieres internationally and for a variety of mediums as well as standard orchestral repertoire. Justin is currently the conductor and co-director of the University of Chicago New Music Ensemble.

Please contact Justin for conducting inquiries.

Videos can be supplied upon request.

Below is a partial list of repertoire conducted in performance and/or rehearsal. *Denotes premiere.  

  • Adams – Shaker Loops

  • Bartók – Romanian Folk Dances

  • Bartók – Concerto for Orchestra

  • Beethoven – Coriolan Overture

  • Beethoven – Overture to Egmont

  • Beethoven – Symphony No. 1, 2, 4, 9

  • Berio - O King

  • Josh Biggs – Alalia*

  • Brahms – Academic Festival Overture

  • Britten – Serenade for Tenor, Horn, and Strings (excerpts)

  • Britten – Simple Symphony

  • John Burnett – other, superior dimensions*

  • Copland – Appalachian Spring: Suite (Orchestra and 13 Instrument Versions)

  • Copland – Quiet City

  • Debussy - Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune

  • Sebastian Currier – Broken Consort

  • Jacob Druckman – Counterpoise

  • Nicole Gutman – Tesla in Love*

  • Marco Galvani - Shadows*

  • Alex Hall - Drape*

  • Handel – The Messiah (excerpts)

  • Jonah Haven – Smear...Slather... Slur*

  • Jonah Haven – dream house*

  • Honegger – Pastorale d’ete

  • Xue Ju – The Diving Bell and the Butterfly*

  • Daniel Karcher – I May Die Tomorrow*

  • Langlais – Messe Solennelle

  • Lei Liang - Verge

  • Ligeti - Chamber Concerto

  • Yizhang Lui – Resonance*

  • Wenbin Lyu - Turbulent Mind

  • Lutoslawski – Chain 1

  • Lutoslawski – Dance Preludes

  • James Macmillan – As others see us

  • Mahler – Ruckert Lieder

  • Mozart – Divertimento K. 136

  • Mozart – Overture to The Magic Flute

  • Mozart – Symphony No. 36, 38, 39, 40, 41

  • Mussorgsky (Orch. Ravel) – Pictures at an Exhibition

  • Pauline Ng – One by One*

  • Pauline Ng – Prologue*

  • Paul Novak - dialogues in color*

  • Paul Novak - entwining

  • Paul Novak - prisms and mirrors

  • Paul Novak - somatic interludes*

  • Elizabeth Ogonek – Falling Up

  • Matthew Omahan – Adrift*

  • Puccini – La Boheme (excerpts)

  • Puccini – Madama Butterfly (excerpts)

  • Poulenc - Le Bestiaire

  • Rachmaninov – Isle of the Dead

  • Shulamit Ran – Lyre of Orpheus

  • Ravel – Ma mere l’oye (suite)

  • Ravel – Piano Concerto

  • Ravel – Pavane Pour Une Infante Défunte

  • Rimsky-Korsakov – Scheherazade

  • Augusta Read Thomas – Selene

  • Augusta Read Thomas - Passion Prayers

  • Saariaho - Lichtbogen

  • Jeff Shaller - Dystopia*

  • Schoenberg - Pierrot Lunaire (Selections)

  • Shostakovich – Chamber Symphony

  • Shostakovich – Symphony No. 5, 10

  • Alfred Schnittke – Concerto Grosso

  • Sean Shepherd - Octet

  • Sibelius – Valse Triste

  • Corie Rose Soumah - oscilliations/dénouages/artificialités/frisure des pluies*

  • Stravinsky – L’histoire du Soldat

  • Stravinsky – Rite of Spring

  • Tchaikovsky – Symphony No. 4

  • Vivaldi – Concerto for Two Trumpets

  • Ania Vu - Five in One

  • Wagner – Siegfried Idyll

  • Weir – Piano Concerto

  • Weiss – when you wondered*

  • Weiss – Drifting Impressions*

  • Hao Zou – Unspeakable Landscape*

Justin conducting a premiere with the VICE Ensemble.

Justin conducting a rehearsal of Louis Andriessen’s De Staat with Oberlin Sinfonietta in preparation for the 2017 Bang on a Can Festival.

Justin conducting a rehearsal of Louis Andriessen’s De Staat with Oberlin Sinfonietta in preparation for the 2017 Bang on a Can Festival.